Learning to eat …

January 8, 2009

The weight just keeps falling off! (Do you want to loose weight? Are you? What have you tried?)

Filed under: FOOD!, Health, Today I ..., weight loss — Tags: , , , — tamiofbrooksgroth @ 10:50 am

Today I’m simply going to ramble a bit. It’s the new year and everyone is all about resolutions and wanting to look better (feel better?) and, of course, loose weight!

How many of you have weight loss resolutions or goals? (Maybe I should set up a poll or survey!)

I have to admit to having those types of resolutions in the past, but honestly not often. You’ll notice that this year I didn’t list any specific resolutions. I will however be posting an “Eating Manifesto” for the year soon. Generally for me it has either been the case that I’m on a healthy path or I’m not. I have never  rarely gone for a typical “diet” or quick fix. The few times I did go with something that was all the rage, like my brief  journey into the Atkins world years ago, I have always regretted it. And counting calories or points is something I knew would NEVER be for me. That sounds simply like it is all about the negative and deprivation — what you can’t have rather than enjoying nature’s bounty and what you CAN have. And typical canned diet shakes such as slim fast??? YUCK and full of YUCK!

You MUST feed your body first! And the more I learn about health and nutrition the more convinced I am that if you take care of your body, then proper weight (and great skin!) will follow.

So when I hear about all of the recommendations or the various things people (especially women?) are trying in order to loose weight it kind of makes me sad because I know that attaining better health is SO doable!

Ahh, but this post is about my own releasing of weight right? Or at least that is what the title indicated!

So, during this past month — aka “the holidays” — I LOST nearly 10 pounds instead of gaining the traditional holiday 5 to 10 pounds! And I did this without much exercise. The lack of exercise is NOT something I recommend. In fact my very specific goals/resolutions for the new year focus almost entirely on exercise and fitness because I know this is an area that I really need to start kicking myself in the butt about and get going and get in shape!

But back to the weight loss …

I will do an official weigh in and measurements this weekend. But so far things are looking good for the past month according to my quick jump on the scale when I got back from my 2 week driving vacation with the kids. I have to admit I indulged a bit (a little is fine unless you are allergic, etc.) — gluten free christmas cookies, and LOTS of tortilla corn chips with LOTS of gaucamole and salsa, and of course a few glasses of great organic red wine. So, see I DO indulge some. 🙂  Then last weekend I stayed raw but indulged in A LOT of raw pizza and then cheese sauce the next day (too much of anything isn’t good … with the cheeses I eneded up with LOTS of nuts in my diet for a few days — high fat and while healthy in general these proportions were a bit excessive).

I also paid close attention to how my body responded to these various foods, and I did indeed notice that I was less than at my best. And who wants that long term? A hangover, even just from food, is really not the way to live life. The same goes for feeling bloated or constipated. My health concerns may make this a bit more extreme than what others experience but we can ALL learn by listening to our bodies MORE than we listen to the scale.

But if you really want to loose weight ??

I recommend starting with the advice from Michael Pollan, author of the Omnivore’s Dilemma: “Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

You want more specifics?? Well, stay tuned because I’ll be sharing lots more soon. But in the meantime, get your groove on with green smoothies. If nothing else it will help you get your recommended fruits and veggies (especially greens!!!).

Follow me, in all my every day glory on twitter at: http://twitter.com/tamigroth

And, likely more important when looking to gain health and/or loose weight, follow the Green Smoothie Queen: http://twitter.com/SmoothieQueen

~ Tami

P.S. If I’m right, I’ll be nearing a 50 pound weight loss next week! How should I celebrate?

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